
"when thinking makes me human..."

About The Blog

An abrupt blog all about my melancholy and experiences. It's an avenue where I share my thoughts and opinions over something or just share about updates with my own life. Enjoy reading!

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A Day at Work...

Just another typical day at the office. I started the day doing sourcing work which made me sit at my table for almost 3 hours answering emails and finalizing the 2 upcoming job fairs. Sure is different when I was doing test administration...hahays...

Anyway, it's not bad. I'm still adjusting that's why it seems to be more hard to grasp such workload!

So, a good thing bout being a coordinator is that you get to decide for yourself in matters that requires immediate attention. I was able to talk with my manager regarding the 2 upcoming job fair from a remote city 3 hours away from Dumaguete. And it was nice that He approved my recommendation. Wohoo!

Enough with work. Let's get into the social stuff. I kept on wondering last night why people think I'm tooot...Am i that bad? (check my friendster please... kewlkidd22@yahoo.com) Also, I usually turn hot coals when I'm judged by people who seems to be has dirtier feet than mine. Surely, hot tempers looses your opportunity to win another friend. Hahay.. a lesson learned the hard way!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day. Hehehe...

Oh by the way,my leave was not approved due to the reason that we have an upcoming ramp! Damn! Anyway, the good thing was all of our leaves were not approved! :(

TTYL. Bye!


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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent