A Blog Event For Dumaguete???
What do you think?
Will such an event spark up something for the blogger community here in Dumaguete?
Hhhmmm...I think this will take much preparation but can be a very good opportunity to promote and take time to get acquainted and make friends.
It's enticing to read about events sponsored by big companies for bloggers announced in PinoyBlogero. But since Dumaguete is small and food consumption is cheap, I guess we can manage to do it using our own pockets for the mean time. ( I sound realistic...argh...)
Now the question is... who can I coordinate with to push for this endeavor?
Anyone out there with the same ideas, please raise your hat and be heared...
Will such an event spark up something for the blogger community here in Dumaguete?
Hhhmmm...I think this will take much preparation but can be a very good opportunity to promote and take time to get acquainted and make friends.
It's enticing to read about events sponsored by big companies for bloggers announced in PinoyBlogero. But since Dumaguete is small and food consumption is cheap, I guess we can manage to do it using our own pockets for the mean time. ( I sound realistic...argh...)
Now the question is... who can I coordinate with to push for this endeavor?
Anyone out there with the same ideas, please raise your hat and be heared...
Hi there, well you could try asking other bloggers in your community to help you out.
You can even ask the organizers of the other events for help. I'm sure they'll be happy to help you out. ^_^
its a cool idea but for the 5 months i can help u since am stayin here at cebu for my review.. (*sigh)
i love this idea bro, but I also don't have an idea how to organize an event like this...
i'll try to solicit ideas from the from my online friends who re members of the cebu bloggers association how they formed their group...
Maybe we can look for sponsors/advertisers for this event. We can promote their companies in our blog sites in return, or we can review their products/services. We may also make tarps or anything to invite more bloggers while advertising our sponsors at the same time.
How does that sound?
Hei there, Vir.
I just read your entry about it. Actually, I have been trying to put up this bloggers society since September. But for someone like me who only knows some of the Dumaguete bloggers personally, it's just hard for me to make this whole thing work right away. And considering our schedules too, it's really hard for me to meet all of the Dumaguete bloggers at once.
I am glad you are also interested in making this society a reality. We are planning to set up a meeting for the core group, and maybe we could share some ideas on how to 'advertise' our society to let the whole Negros island that we do exist. If you are interested to join the core group, please let me know ASAP. You may e-mail me at kaakaams@gmail.com, or simply leave me a comment here.
I was also hoping you could maybe blog about this, for networking purposes. You may post my name with my e-mail address or a link to my site, and point me as the contact person, and for further questions as well.
Thank you very much!
P.S. Thanks for leaving me a comment.
As of the moment, we have LA Hernandez (http://madapaka.wordpress.com), IT instructor from SU. Ricky de la Cruz (http://finlust.blogspot.com), 4th year IT student from SU is also willing to join. And I'm still waiting for Mark Fabillar's (http://theveganprince.com) confirmation. There are actually some bloggers I know that are very much willing to help in.
We can start by having 6-8 people in the core group. Whadyathink? Uhm, who else do you have in mind? We practically need influential people. LOL. =)
I was thinking of meeting up at Cafe Antonio, since they also have a blog. (http://cafeantonio.blogspot.com). Maybe we could get sponsorship from them in the near future, you know. Hehehehe. What place do you have in mind?
Thanks! Lemme know ASAP. =)