Just an Early Hue...
I was up early because I wanted to upload my new pics online at friendster and in hot dumagueteños as well. Unfortunately, Friendster is down so I decided to upload it in Flickr and get back to it as soon as the network is done with their maintenance.

By the way, Hot Dumagueteños is at 13 members, unfortunately, most are not from
Dumaguete... Bad me! I forgot to double check my emails before sending the automatic invite of the website. Tsk...Tsk...Tsk...
Anyway, this can also be a good avenue of us ( from here) showing them what we can be and what we have as "people of the province" ( Yikes!)
Out of the total 13 members, I know of only 3 who are from here and 1 of them is in the KSA working. ( Hi EPpie!!!)
So, where are the rest of the hot dumaagueteños? Hhhmmm....
Here is one latest pic I got after taking a bath... Hehehe... ( What an ending!) Ain't it hot? joke!!!
The problem with this picture is that I took it inside the bathroom and the bowl is at sight! (Gosh!)
Anyway, It's still is a good take!
By the way, Hot Dumagueteños is at 13 members, unfortunately, most are not from
Anyway, this can also be a good avenue of us ( from here) showing them what we can be and what we have as "people of the province" ( Yikes!)
Out of the total 13 members, I know of only 3 who are from here and 1 of them is in the KSA working. ( Hi EPpie!!!)
So, where are the rest of the hot dumaagueteños? Hhhmmm....
The problem with this picture is that I took it inside the bathroom and the bowl is at sight! (Gosh!)
Anyway, It's still is a good take!
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