Love but not trust.

I often question my own relationships with everyone else. It's as if I'm not doing my part as a brother or a friend or a special someone good enough that trust seems to be so hard for them to give back.
Can love be given out without giving trust also to someone?
I assume that immature love can sometimes be like that - giving out love but not trusting. How often do we expect someone to love us back because they trust us we don't break their hearts? Sad as it is, to many of us,love can be just a sick game played by two lustful individuals whose lust is coated by "sugar and spice and everything nice"...Duh!
How do I often hear someone say about love giving their best to someone and yet during break-up often lays down the cards of why the break-up should happen? Guys or gals are the same I presume when the spark has ended and the gloomy relationship has started to emerge in full bloomn we often hit it big with the reason why the other should be blame and not us.
In reality, what I am implying are not merely words from a brokenhearted guy but a sad reality for being in love and yet, ending up torned more than ever because someone forgot to include trust when it all started way back then.
Can time really heal all wounds? Or is it just a tagline for everyone elses idea of forgetting what has happened, as if nothing ever did happen.
Silly me,I'm a guy who has so many trials and yet, here I am, so depressed and hurtful for the things that life has given me. In all of these, where is me when all has been given to love but not trust. Sigh...
Did you just go through a break-up? hehe sorry for being so up front, but it certainly sounded like a post from someone who recently got his heart broken. Anyhow, anyone who goes into any romantic relationship needs to arm herself/ himself with two things: ONE--the knowledge that everything may a.) turn out exactly the way you wanted and you both end up riding happily into the sunset b) one of you loses 'the feeling'and decides to leave the other one crying and holding the reins , and TWO-- whether it's a or b, yuo'll land on your feet, no matter how long it takes. Going into a relationship involves taking a certain kind of risk. Trust is a big part of it, but its not all there is. Personally, I think that if you go into a relationship you should decide then and then to commit yourself to love that person, even in times when you don't feel like doing it.