The Dillema of Weights!

I'm getting fatter everyday and I hate it. My dillema is not the necessity to stop eating but the need for excercise to loose the fattenings. (haha...)
So, how do I get to do the thinning cycle when I don't have the time ( or so, i think!) to excercise and be fit?
With this dillema comes the plan (or hopeful plan...) to get fit and lose weight, and hopefully stay thin for awhile.
The only funny thing I guess is the idea of me wanting to get some meat in me that I started to eat much, eat whatever things to gain weight and look good in it. But I guess, like anyone would say, We don't get satisfied over it that we tend to have more...and more...and more!
So, when my tummy gets wider and my face gets round, people advises me to lose weight, others would say to stay at that point - dont go over or beyond that scale. ( As if that will happen!)
But with all this, I guess my own problem is that I dont eat the right food, and has a sleaky diet. My co-worker and friend Kathy told me to be careful with the things I eat because I'm always having LBM and I'd say yes, she's correct. (Ouch!)
Friends, I've written this blog to document everything for my goal before the year ends - lose weight and be fit.
From time to time, I'll be posting something about the things I'm doing to be focus and be adamant in losing weight. So, if anyone's reading this and thinks I'm bluffing, we'll see in the last Day of December 2008. Hehehe... I'm up for the challenge!
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