Weekend WishList!

At last it's friday and it's payday!!! AND IT MEANS HAVING FUN!!!!
With all of the things I've been doing this week, this is the last leg for week to be toxic! Hehehe...
So, what's in store for the weekend? Definitely, overnight stay somewhere and have fun and food and drinks and party and talks and...yeah,yeah, I'm typically not into it. Haha!
Things to Do List
TV Marathon - The grandest and best weekend will be going home and spend a good time in front of the tv watching movies and stuff. This is one thing I lack living in Dumaguete for almost 2 years now. ( Gosh!) And yes, as i mentioned before on my entry about Korean Movies Marathon - I'd be watching Asian flicks with a big language barrier!
Duma gods - watch the company's battle against wits and will! The different accounts and line of business (LOB) will be taking the heat and the pain to be the champion for this year's sportsfest. I was wondering where the heck will they host this event...?
Food Trip - Err... I mean, field trip! - St. Paul's High School will be coming over the site for a site tour and my team will be handling it. Gosh, 220 is a big crowd if you tell me! And yes, FOOD will be on my slate of things to do before the said site tour...mind you!
A Date with the Kids - my weekend will never be complete not unless I spend time with Ash and Lance, I'd surely miss them next week if I cant meet up with these 2 kids!
Of Course, these are not the things I'd do over a weekend but this highlights what I wish to do for my life after a week long toxicity!
Thanks for reading!
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